Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sun day

Today was another snow day for most of the world, and the temps were in the single digits much of the day. But the sun was shining so brightly and reflecting off of the snow, making it gorgeous outside.

I loved seeing all of the shadows in the snow.

Once we finished our school work, the kids got back to work on their forts and tunnels.

Now that the snow has a nice covering of ice from the extreme cold, everyone seems much taller now. We can almost touch the roof.

And climbing up the tree in the front yard is much easier.

Look at that beautiful blue sky!

This is my self portrait.

 Even Jayda got a chance to go outside today. I bundled her up in her snowsuit, boots, hat and gloves. It was so funny to see her try to walk when I got it all on her. Naturally, it made her tip over, and she was stuck swimming on the living room floor, with arms flapping back and forth as she tried to get up. SHE didn't think it was very funny, but I had to laugh.

The two of us took a stroller ride down the street and back, and then we were both freezing cold.

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